Two Resolutions Explored

Today I would like to discuss two of the resolutions I presented yesterday:

  • Act energetic, even if you’re not
  • Get rid of clutter

Both of these were explored to some degree today.  I’d like to tell you about that, and about what I learned in the process.  But first, a couple of nuggets of background information:

  1. I am forever losing my glasses. Today ended my longest stretch without finding them, at about four days.
  2. My dog can be an a**hole. She is snuggly, and cute, and adorable, but she is rather indiscriminate in her chewing habits.  No sock, or paper, or pencil, or bottlecap, or (insert any random object) is safe.  This can be incredibly annoying.

Today was the end of an extended holiday for me.  This “holiday” from one job involved working a few extra shifts at the other job.  So this morning I faced the sad truth that either through working or from holiday fatigue I had not managed to accomplish much of anything on my holiday project list.  The fridge was full of holiday food too old to eat. The tree still stood in the living room, so crisp that ornaments regularly just dropped off as dog chew toys, and a trail of pine needles marked a path through the rest of the house.  That tree needed to go.  In addition to this, holiday clutter sort of took over the rest of our home, and I found myself feeling that stress and with no idea where to find my glasses, a single purple glove, and an important vial of medication.

Despite the pressing need to address these things, and my last free day to do it, I did NOT feel one bit motivated to do much beyond read. So, I forced myself to go through the fridge and plow through the tree dismantling process anyway.  I decided reading could be my reward for the completed tasks.  I tossed, and dismantled, and packed, and stored, and swept, and vacuumed.  Until I couldn’t.  Because a certain weiner dog, who shall remain nameless, had hidden a random dish cloth behind the curtain, and it had clogged my vacuum.

But now, as I stand back and survey what I got done today, and how slowly my home is returning to a state of livability, I feel great.  I did not have the energy to work on it, but now I certainly see the wisdom of acting energetic even when I’m not. There is a momentum that can happen.  I need to make this part of the happiness process.

As a bonus, during the work of the day I actually found my glasses.  They were hidden in plain view, of course.  I will continue to work on the decluttering if for no other reason than a still missing glove and pill vial.  I have no doubt the dog knows where the glove is, but she isn’t talking.

And now, a book awaits.

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